Other Messages
Date | Title | Passage | Speaker |
3/2/25 | When the Church Is a Family | 1 Thessalonians | Jason Wick |
2/16/25 | The Good Samaritan: Order of Love | Luke 10:25–42 | Curtis Lewis |
2/9/25 | Spiritual Strength for Seasons of Sorrow | Psalm 119:25–32 | O. J. Gibson |
8/25/24 | A Sinner Sees the Savior | Luke 19:1–10 | Brad Norman |
8/18/24 | The Path of Cain | Selected Scriptures | Jason Wick |
7/14/24 | Steps to Endure | Hebrews 12:1–12 | Curtis Lewis |
6/23/24 | Excellence at Work | Nehemiah | David Jackson |
6/16/24 | Fatherhood: Answering the Call | Psalm 127:3–5 | Shane Speer |
5/26/24 | A Man Had Two Sons | Luke 15:11–32 | Jason Wick |
4/14/24 | A Change in Character | Ephesians 4:25–32 | Myron Hawthorne |
3/24/24 | The Mission of Christ | Luke 4:14–30 | Jason Wick |
2/18/24 | The Destiny of Israel and the Future of Jerusalem | Zechariah 13:7–14:21 | Rabbi Gary Derechinsky |
2/11/24 | Mysterious Metaphors of Marriage to Christ | Selected Scriptures | David Akers |
2/4/24 | A Love for God's Word | Psalm 119 | Shane Speer |
12/31/23 | What Does God Really Want from His People? | Selected Scriptures | O. J. Gibson |
10/1/23 | Counting the Cost (Recording Not Available) | Luke 14:25–33 | Missionary Guest Speaker |
8/13/23 | The Modern Misconception | Titus 2:11–14 | David Jackson |
6/11/23 | Why We Shouldn't Be Ashamed of the Gospel | Romans 1:16–17 | Pastor Paul Reichman |
5/28/23 | Jesus' Demand for a Decision | Matthew 7:13–14 | Myron Hawthorne |
4/16/23 | What Jesus Can Do for Us | Mark 10:35–52 | Pastor Dean Matteson |
1/22/23 | Be Pro-Life with Your Life | Mark 10:13–16 | Curtis Lewis |
1/15/23 | In the Shadow of Eden | Job | Jason Wick |
1/8/23 | Starting Over | Jeremiah 18:1–12 | Pastor Dean Matteson |
11/20/22 | Dates with God | Leviticus 23 | Joseph Ryan |
9/18/22 | Called to Discern | Philippians 1:3–11 | Bill McKeever |
8/21/22 | Standing Strong in Victory | 1 Corinthians 15:50–58 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
7/24/22 | Proclaiming Christ | Colossians 1:15–20 | Pastor Paul Reichman |
6/5/22 | What It Means to Be a Saint | 1 Corinthians 1:4–9 | Myron Hawthorne |
5/15/22 | Faithfulness (Recording Not Available) | Daniel 3 | Missionary Guest Speaker |
5/8/22 | God's Gift of Spiritual Strength and Understanding | Ephesians 3:14–21 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
4/24/22 | Being Taken Advantage of | Job 1–2 | Pastor Dean Matteson |
4/10/22 | Hosanna to the King | Matthew 21:1–11 | Jason Wick |
1/16/22 | Fearfully and Wonderfully Made | Selected Scriptures | Samuel Green |
9/26/21 | A Foundation for Christian Living | 1 Peter 1:1–16 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
8/29/21 | Community over Comfort | 1 Peter 4:1–11 | Jason Wick |
8/8/21 | The Great Commission (Recording Not Available) | Matthew 28:16–20 | Missionary Guest Speaker |
7/11/21 | Salt: Having an Impactful and Eternal Influence | Matthew 5:13 | Pastor Harry Walls |
6/20/21 | Stand in the Gap | Selected Scriptures | Jon Rogers |
5/30/21 | True Healing Is Only in Jesus | Acts 4:5–22 | Dr. Jon Hoglund |
3/28/21 | Redemption | Ephesians 1:6–10 | Myron Hawthorne |
1/31/21 | A Promise of Divine Deliverance | 2 Kings 19 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
1/24/21 | A Promise of Divine Discipline | Deuteronomy 31:14–21 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
12/27/20 | A Promise of God's Enduring Word | Isaiah 40 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
11/8/20 | A Promised King | 2 Samuel 7:1–17 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
10/11/20 | A Promised Son | Genesis 17 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
4/19/20 | The Insanity of Doing Things Your Own Way | Proverbs 3:5–12 | Curtis Lewis |
3/15/20 | God's Power | Ephesians 1:20–23 | Curtis Lewis |
1/19/20 | The Holiness of God | Revelation 1 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
9/29/19 | God's Hidden Hand | Ruth 1 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
9/1/19 | The Sword of the Spirit | Ephesians 6:17 | Myron Hawthorne |
8/25/19 | What Will You Do with Jesus? | Mark 15:1–15 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
6/30/19 | Free from Money | Matthew 6:19–24 | Curtis Lewis |
5/26/19 | A Promised Future | Isaiah 44 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
5/5/19 | Actions Speak Louder than Words | Deuteronomy 4:1–9 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
2/24/19 | How to Test the Spirits | 1 John 4:1–6 | Myron Hawthorne |
12/30/18 | Qualities of a Good Shepherd | 1 Thessalonians 3:1–10 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
12/2/18 | God's Gift of Merciful Comfort | 2 Corinthians 1:3–4 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
10/21/18 | Questions? | John 8:24–28 | Curtis Lewis |
9/16/18 | Walking Worthy | 1 Thessalonians 2:13–14 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
9/9/18 | Worldliness | 1 John 2:15–17 | Brad Norman |
9/2/18 | Courageous Faith | Matthew 14:22–33 | Jason Wick |
8/26/18 | The Preservation of Gospel Influence | 1 Corinthians 10:1–12 | Pastor Harry Walls |
7/29/18 | Commitment | Psalm 9:1–2 | Shane Speer |
7/22/18 | Building a Legacy | Judges 2–3 | Jon Rogers |
2/18/18 | Buying and Selling the Truth | Proverbs 23:17–35 | Pastor Harry Walls |
2/4/18 | Keep Yourself in God's Love | Jude 20–27 | Curtis Lewis |
1/21/18 | When Temptation Comes Knocking | 1 Corinthians 10:13 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
12/31/17 | The Most Important Command | Deuteronomy 6:4–5 | Brad Norman |
8/6/17 | How to Handle Difficult Days | Mark 6:45–52 | Pastor Harry Walls |
5/28/17 | A Godly Response to Opposition | Daniel 6:10–11, 23 | Shane Speer |
1/29/17 | Depending on God's Grace, Mercy, and Peace | 2 Timothy 1:1–2 | Brad Norman |
1/1/17 | Lessons Learned | Titus 2:11–15 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
12/25/16 | The Call of Christmas: Shepherds | Luke 2:1–20 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
9/25/16 | God's Presence: Never Far | Selected Scriptures | Jason Wick |
8/28/16 | Intentionality | 1 Corinthians 9:23–27 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
7/10/16 | Faith and Fellowship | Hebrews 10:19–25 | Curtis Lewis |
5/22/16 | Courageous Living in an Inclusive Culture | Selected Scriptures | Pastor Eric Weathers |
2/21/16 | Following Jesus | Luke 12:49–53 | Dr. Steve Miller |
1/17/16 | A Heart That Longs for God's Healing | Psalm 51 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
12/13/15 | Standing on the Promises of God | Micah 5:1–6 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
10/18/15 | The Gospel and Good Works | Titus 3:1–11 | Pastor Justin Harris |
9/27/15 | The Kindness of a King | 2 Samuel 9 | Brad Norman |
9/27/15 | Solomon's Pursuit of Pleasure | Ecclesiastes 2 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
8/2/15 | Shining like Stars | Philippians 3:15–21 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
5/17/15 | God Is Greater | Isaiah 40 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
5/17/15 | Active or Passive Faith? | Matthew 9:1–8 | Pastor Saul Hernandez |
5/10/15 | Enjoy Jesus and Enjoy Life | Selected Scriptures | Jason Wick |
2/22/15 | The Sower and the Soil | Luke 8:1–15 | Dr. Steve Miller |
2/8/15 | Under the Shepherd's Care | Psalm 23 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
11/16/14 | Learning from Failure | Exodus 14–17 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
11/16/14 | Learning from a Story about Jesus | Matthew 8:28–34 | Brad Norman |
11/16/14 | How Shall We Then Live? | Leviticus | Jon Rogers |
9/7/14 | The Relentless Pursuit of Spiritual Maturity | 2 Peter 1:3–11 | Jason Wick |
8/31/14 | The Invitation | Matthew 11:28–30 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
5/25/14 | Gaining Perspective for Life | Ecclesiastes 7:1–2 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
3/16/14 | Living with Resolve | 1 Peter 4:7–11 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
10/27/13 | Killing Sin | Romans 8:12–13 | Curtis Lewis |
6/30/13 | Being Dressed Appropriately | Colossians 3:12–17 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
6/23/13 | Don't Take Revenge | Romans 12:17–21 | Brad Norman |
6/16/13 | Lessons to Teach Our Children | 2 Chronicles 17:3–9 | Curtis Lewis |
6/9/13 | Reflecting the Love of Jesus | John 15:12–17 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
5/12/13 | Qualities of a Great Mother | Proverbs 31:25–31 | Jason Wick |
5/12/13 | Lessons from the Life of Leah | Genesis 29:31–35 | Brad Norman |
12/30/12 | Resolutions for the New Year | Colossians 3:1–17 | Pastor Rex Furman |
10/14/12 | Proper Behavior toward Believers | Ephesians 4:32 | Brad Norman |
8/26/12 | Walking Worthy in Everyday Life | Ephesians 4:17–24 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
7/15/12 | Developing a Transformed Mindset | Romans 12:1–2 | Jon Rogers |
7/15/12 | It's All about Jesus | Colossians 1:15–20 | Jason Wick |
5/27/12 | Body Life | 1 Corinthians 12 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
5/27/12 | Humility | 1 Peter 5:5–7 | Brad Norman |
9/25/11 | Love Jesus Style | Matthew 5:38–43 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
9/25/11 | Godly Leadership | 1 Samuel 17 | Jon Rogers |
7/10/11 | When You Are Mistreated | 1 Samuel 24 | Pastor Josh Kornoff |
5/29/11 | Where Can I Find Satisfaction? | Ecclesiastes 2:1–11 | Jason Wick |
5/29/11 | Benefits of the Resurrection | 1 Corinthians 15:12–19 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
2/27/11 | Qualities of Wisdom | Proverbs 12:8–11 | Brad Norman |
6/27/10 | Guidelines for Wise Speech | Proverbs 10:17–19 | Brad Norman |
5/2/10 | Generous Fellowship | Galatians 6:1–5 | Pastor Mark Schweitzer |
10/29/06 | Finding the Will of God | Selected Scriptures | Dr. Gil Stieglitz |
8/27/06 | The Glory of the Cross | Galatians 6:14 | Bill McKeever |