The purpose of the women's ministry at Faith Community Church is to give glory to God by evangelizing women to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, educating them with the Word of God, equipping them to reach and teach others, and encouraging them to be godly women. For more information about the women's ministry, contact Bev Gonda, our women's ministry director.
Special Events
Throughout the year we plan special events that provide women an opportunity to develop personal relationships with other women in a social setting and to participate in worship together. They are designed as a spiritual boost to those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and as an outreach for those who do not yet know Him as Lord and Savior. Every year we hold a fall kickoff, a Christmas celebration, and a spring event. Every other year we hold a weekend retreat or an all-day conference in the fall and host a sweetheart banquet for our married couples near Valentine's Day. Check out the church calendar for specific dates.
Bible Studies
Our Bible studies provide regular weekly gatherings to share in prayer and the study of God's Word. These studies are vital in our search for biblical truths that apply to the needs of women. We offer studies on Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning, and Saturday morning. Childcare is provided during the Wednesday study. Check the calendar or contact Bev for more information.
CARES Ministry
The CARES ministry is led by a team of women from our church who are willing to meet with ladies who would like one-on-one fellowship, counseling, or mentoring. CARES stands for Christ-centered, accountability, relationships, encouragement, and support. For more information or to participate in this ministry, please contact Bev.
Mom to Mom
Mom to Mom (M2M) exists to glorify God by meeting the needs of moms. Whether you are a mom of a baby or a school-aged child, we invite you to participate as we celebrate the privilege of motherhood. We meet in various homes from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on the second Wednesday of every month during the school year. Join us for a time of fellowship and encouragement.
Meals Ministry
If you are looking for a way to serve God, we invite you to be a part of the meals ministry. We provide meals for new moms and others in need, such as those recovering from surgery, grieving a death in the family, or taking care of a terminally ill family member. If you would like to bless a family in need with a meal, or if you know of a need, please contact the church office.
Single Moms
Motherhood is a challenging responsibility for all moms, but it is particularly difficult for single moms. And so we occasionally offer a time of refreshment, fellowship, and encouragement for all our single mothers. Childcare is provided during these events. For more information please contact Bev.
Online Prayer Team
An intercessory prayer team is active throughout the year for the immediate and urgent needs of those in our church family. We also want to be able to inform each other of praises for answered prayer. Please send an email to Sara at prayer@faithtoyou.com if you would like to join the online prayer team or submit a request.