Systematic Theology Courses
Systematic Theology Courses
Systematic Theology 1 (TH 101)
This course is the first of six that explores the subject of systematic theology. It involves a study of bibliology (the doctrine of the Bible) and a portion of theology proper (the doctrine of God) with special focus on the canon, inspiration, and inerrancy of Scripture and the attributes of God.
Systematic Theology 2 (TH 102)
This course is the second of six that explores the subject of systematic theology. It involves a study of theology proper (the doctrine of God) with special focus on the Trinity, creation, and God’s providence.
Systematic Theology 3 (TH 103)
This course is the third of six that explores the subject of systematic theology. It involves a study of angelology (the doctrine of angels), anthropology (the doctrine of man), hamartiology (the doctrine of sin), and Christology (the doctrine of Christ) with special focus on Satan and demons, the essential nature of man, the person of Christ, and the atonement.
Systematic Theology 4 (TH 104)
This course is the fourth of six that explores the subject of systematic theology. It involves a study of pneumatology (the doctrine of the Holy Spirit) and soteriology (the doctrine of salvation) with special focus on the work of the Holy Spirit, election, conversion, justification, and the perseverance of the saints.
Systematic Theology 5 (TH 105)
This course is the fifth of six that explores the subject of systematic theology. It involves a study of ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church) with special focus on church government, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper.
Systematic Theology 6 (TH 106)
This course is the sixth of six that explores the subject of systematic theology. It involves a study of eschatology (the doctrine of the future) with special focus on the millennium, the rapture, and the tribulation period.