Topical Resources 1

Topical Resources

Strengthening Your Marriage by Wayne A. Mack
Available at and
Wayne Mack developed the material in this book as part of his doctoral program at Westminster Theological Seminary. It is thorough, biblical, and practical in dealing with the subject of marriage. It addresses issues like children, communication, and finances. It also contains many study questions at the end of each chapter. This book is highly recommended reading for all married couples.

Your Family, God's Way by Wayne A. Mack
Available at and
Here is another excellent book for married couples by Wayne Mack. It addresses the family more generally and not specifically the marriage relationship. The subject of communication receives the most treatment, and these chapters are tremendous. This book is a great resource for anyone, married or not, who wants to learn to communicate more biblically and effectively.
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
Available at and
There are many books out there on the subject of parenting, but very few can match this one in terms of being biblical and practical. It stresses the importance of reaching the heart and deals with other subjects like goals, authority, character, communication, the rod, and the conscience. It also has a section addressing different stages of childhood. This book is a must read for parents.
Instructing a Child's Heart by Tedd and Margy Tripp
Available at and
Tedd Tripp has written another marvelous book on parenting, along with the help of his wife, Margy. While Shepherding a Child's Heart gives an overall biblical view of parenting, this book focuses specifically on the need to instruct children in God's Word and His ways. Important biblical topics like authority and the sowing and reaping principle are presented. This book is an excellent parenting resource.

Age of Opportunity by Paul David Tripp
Available at and
Paul Tripp has picked up where his brother Tedd left off in the books above. While Tedd wrote about parenting in general, Paul focuses here on parenting teens. He deals with broad issues like idols, wisdom, culture, and maturity. He draws from his many years of practical experience parenting teens and counseling parents of teens. Filled with illustrations and practical insights, this book is a helpful resource for parents.

The Peacemaker by Ken Sande
Available at and
Everyone faces conflict at various times, whether it's at home, church, or work. The Bible helps us to resolve these conflicts. Ken Sande shows us how we can be peacemakers in this excellent book. He presents four principles: (1) glorify God, (2) get the log our of your eye, (3) gently restore, and (4) go and be reconciled. This thoroughly biblical book will provide much help for every believer.
Decisions, Decisions by Dave Swavely
Available at and
Life is full of decisions. Whether it's a major decision like choosing a mate or a career, or whether it's just a mundane decision, we all make decisions every day. How does God want us to make decisions? Dave Swavely skillfully navigates this minefield with concise precision. He shows us biblically first how we should not and then how we should make decisions. This book is an excellent beginner's guide on this subject.

Decision Making and the Will of God by Garry Friesen
Available at and
This book, first published in 1980, was revolutionary in the realm of decision making. The fruit of Gerry Friesen's doctoral dissertation at Dallas Theological Seminary, it challenged popular thinking on the subject. It still stands today as the most thorough book on the subject. It examines every major biblical passage on this theme and also addresses some of the big decisions in life. It is a tremendous tool for advanced students.

Dynamics of Spiritual Gifts by William McRae
Available at and
Do you know what your spiritual gift is? The Bible teaches us that every Christian has at least one spiritual gift. But there is much confusion in Christianity today regarding this subject. William McRae offers a brief yet thorough treatment of the subject. He not only defines all the gifts but also offers practical advice for discovering and developing your gift. This book will help every believer serve the Lord more effectively.

Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch
Available at and
Are you a man who is gifted in shepherding and teaching? Do you have a desire to lead God's people? Then you should consider pursuing eldership at your local church. But the first step to take is carefully reading this magnificent book by Alexander Strauch. It deals with eldership exhaustively, explaining every biblical passage on the subject. It also addresses some common objections to eldership.

Equal Yet Different by Alexander Strauch
Available at and
Alexander Strauch has hit another home run with this concise book on the roles of men and women in the home and the church. He tackles every major passage in the Bible on the subject and defends the traditional understanding of male leadership and female submission. This book is an excellent introduction to this important subject.
Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth by Wayne Grudem
Available at and
Wayne Grudem has written one of the most detailed and thorough books on the subject of gender roles in the home and the church. It answers over 100 commonly asked questions directed against the view that pastors should be men and that wives should submit to their husbands. It deals with all the disputed Bible passages in depth. For those who want to study this subject in detail, this book is the one to get!
Understanding End Times Prophecy by Paul N. Benware
Available at and
This book deals with the subject of future events as predicted in the Bible. The author is a dispensationalist; in other words, he holds to a distinction between the church and Israel. He argues for a future 1,000-year reign of Christ on the earth (premillennialism) and defends the view that the church will be removed from the earth before the seven-year period of tribulation on the earth (pretribulational rapture). He builds the foundation for his positions with a careful discussion of the biblical covenants. He explains other views fairly while pointing out their problems. This book is a very helpful overview of biblical eschatology.

The Battle for the Beginning by John MacArthur
Available at and
Confusion abounds today regarding the origin of human beings and even the entire universe. John MacArthur cuts through the uncertainty by searching God's Word for the truth. He explains the first three chapters of Genesis in detail, especially the first one. Along the way he makes helpful scientific observations to affirm the Bible's truthfulness. To study this important issue further, consult the organization Answers in Genesis.

Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong by John MacArthur and others
Available at and
Have you ever wondered what God thinks about things like video games, birth control, suicide, and the environment? As John MacArthur and the leaders from his church explain, the Bible does give us help on these and many other controversial issues. They tackle some of the most important issues of the day from a biblical and pastoral perspective. This book will help every Christian live in and respond to our culture today.

Click here to go to page two of the topical resources.

If you have any questions about any of these resources, please contact Brad at the church office.